Chancel Choir
NOTE: The Chancel Choir is currently on summer hiatus, but will resume making beautiful music in the fall!
The choir sings every Sunday service at our Later Worship at 10:45 a.m. They meet every Monday night for practice at 6:00 p.m. in our Sanctuary. We welcome all singers to join with us as we make a joyful noise to the Lord! The Chancel Choir is open to both men and women of all ages, and no particular skill is necessary, just the desire to sing in harmony to the glory of our Lord! This musical group is led by Barb Sanford.
Come and enjoy the sound of our beautiful bells. Our bell choirs are led by Lana Kevan.
Children and Youth Bells - These choirs meet Sunday mornings when preparing for a performance. Children ages 6 and up are invited to join. No musical experience necessary.
Chancel Chimes - These bell ringers meet every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. to practice their beautiful music. Musical experience is helpful but not required.
Early Service Music
You are invited you to make beautiful music every Sunday morning at our Contemporary Worship service at 8:30 a.m. There is no practicing involved to enjoy these uplifting songs! You can sit back and enjoy listening to the music, or you can answer the invitation to sing or play along. The earlier service is held in the fellowship hall with hot coffee available to start your day.